Is Erythritol going to kill you?


A new study published in the journal Nature Medicine has some readers running to their pantries to throw out products containing erythritol in fear of the negative effects on cardiovascular health, which may include strokes, heart attacks, and possibly death. Sounds serious! We read Nature Medicine’s 28 pages and checked in with our cardiologist to get some real answers on erythritol and if it should be used. So, should you throw out your erythritol?

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. This blog post should be interpreted as my opinion and not medical advice. 

What is Erythritol? Erythritol is a sugar alcohol commonly used as a sugar substitute in products like monkfruit sweeteners. It is often considered a natural sweetener in various low-calorie, sugar-free, keto, and diabetic-friendly products.

Sugar addiction is a massive problem in the Standard American Diet.  Over 1.4 million people get newly diagnosed with diabetes each year in the United States alone.  For this reason, the food industry has been trying to create sugar substitutes to offer the same sweetness as sugar without the harmful side effects on our long-term health.

Is Erythritol bad for us? After all, it is essential to recognize that the human body produces a small amount of Erythritol during glucose metabolism. This means Erythritol naturally occurs in our bodies before we eat a single spoonful.

Cardiologist Nadim Nasir Jr., MD, advised that regular visits to your cardiologist are necessary for cardiovascular health. Each patient’s needs may vary depending on their health history and present conditions.

We think moderation is key when consuming sweeteners or sugar alcohols like Erythritol. While these sweeteners can be a valuable tool for reducing calorie intake and managing blood sugar levels, overuse can negatively affect our health. We use Erythritol products on Lectin Free Wife and will continue to use them in moderation, but you should research what is best for you.

Here are some factors to consider when evaluating if you should continue using Erythritol:

1.     Check with your doctor, especially if you have a health risk you are concerned about.

2.     Evaluate how frequently you are using sugar substitutes. Sugar substitutes shouldn’t be used as a one-to-one sugar replacement. Opt for savory options instead of sweet ones.

3.     Do your own research.  I cannot express the number of times I have heard people spout off random medical advice that they heard from a friend-of-a-friend or TikTok.  Take your health seriously and read the studies for yourself.

4.     Swap out your sweets. If you have decided to remove Erythritol from your diet, find a suitable substitution. Check our list below to find out which sweetener is right for you.

Swap Your Sweets! Start by removing these sweeteners from your diet!

If you are on the fence about deciding if Erythritol is right for you, start by eliminating these artificial sweeteners from your diet first. Some of these artificial sweeteners have been banned outside of the United States because of their harmful effects on your health. Not to mention a bacteria imbalance in the gut which is what we are working so hard to rectify.

If you want to remove Erythritol altogether, try one of these sweeteners. You can still have the sweet without the stress!

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Here are some approved products we use on Lectin Free Wife that contain Erythritol.

In conclusion, we recognize there may be an increased risk of overconsuming Erythritol, but it is unclear if Erythritol is the cause of the health issues listed in this study.

It should be noted that most of the participants in the study had existing signs of cardiovascular disease or other significant risk factors. After our research, we decided there is a lot we still don’t know about the long-term effects of sugar alcohol. We will continue to research new studies that promote optimal health and longevity.

Check out the facts for yourself.

“The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event risk.” Nature Medicine, Volume 29, March 2023: pg 710-722

Read Nature Medicine article here.


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  • Lectin free alcohol, erythritol side effects, is sugar alcohol bad, is erythritol gluten free, erythritol metabolism, how bad is sugar alcohol, allulose trader joes, erythritol sweetness, what alcohol is lectin free, bocha sweet side effects, Nadim nasir, does erythritol kill gut bacteria Description text goes here


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