Saving Hundreds of Dollars with 99 Cents Only Store


Are you throwing your money in the trash? This money-saving idea from the 99 Cents Only Store could knock hundreds of dollars off your grocery bill each year. That’s right, I said hundreds!

It’s no secret inflation is here, and the cost of living is going up; we have to start cutting costs wherever we can. Come with me, and I will share what I started doing to cut my grocery bill.

99c only store photo

Households everywhere are struggling to cut costs. If you are looking for ways to cut back and save money on your grocery bill then Lectin Free Wife has you covered in this post with a simple money saving hack with the 99 Cents Only Store.


Let’s talk disposable products…

Specifically, let’s talk about paper towels! How much do you spend on paper towels each month? Now multiple that times 12. Imagine taking all that money and dumping it in the trash because ultimately, that’s what happens to paper towels, they end up in the trash.


Money saving hack. In the kitchen.

As a food blogger, I spend my life in the kitchen. Fun parts of my job are creating recipes, testing new kitchen devices, tasting new products, food photography, and the food part. Do you know what the not-so-fun part of my job is? It’s cleaning up. Not a day goes by that my counters aren’t covered in flour or a sticky mess from something I’m working on to share with you. That means more paper towels.

When I’m not making the mess myself, my little mini-me does an excellent job of making more messes than I can keep up with; add in a hubby who also likes to cook, so we are using paper towels like they grow on trees 😂 BUT y’all—these prices on paper towels are increasing, and we had to make a change.

In addition to the cost, there is the sustainability issue. I feel like a hypocrite promoting sustainability and then filling my trash with disposable products. The waste stops here.

What about your household? Do you use a lot of paper towels?

We started using this hack about a year ago, and now our grocery bill is lower, and we aren’t wasting as many disposable products. Here is what you can do to start keeping money in your pockets and out of the trash.

When it comes to saving money, the dollar store or 99 Cent Only Store can be a great place to start. You’ve probably already guessed that my money-saving hack is around paper towels, but this article isn’t about where to find the lowest prices on paper towels.

Are you going to try this money-saving hack?

Money Hack

The 99 Cent Only Store sells a package of 24 cloth dish towels for only $3.99. Grab several of these packages and a cute basket (you can get one there or use something you already have). Roll each dish towel up and place it in the basket.  Now, use these instead of disposable paper towels, and you will start saving money and the world immediately!

Clean Up

Toss in the wash when you are done.  Roll them back up and put them in your basket for next time. It is a little extra laundry but worth it in the long run.


If you find yourself and your family reaching for paper towels instead of your new basket of save-the-world dish towels, we recommend placing your paper towel roll under the sink so they aren’t as easily accessible.

Stay Safe

Paper towels are still great for dirtier jobs like raw chicken juices. Keep a roll on hand for these dirtier ones.

In conclusion, when it comes to saving money, the dollar store or 99 Cent Only Store can be a great place to start. It’s easy to make small changes in your life to start saving in the long run.

What about you? Do you have a money-saving hack? Let us know what you do to save money in the comments so we can share the wealth.  Please let us know if you try this and if it works for you.

Keep living your best lectin-free life with the Lectin Free Wife!

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