Marinara Sauce in the Instant Pot
This recipe is for a quick and easy, large batch of tasty marinara sauce that you can use as a staple in several of the recipes you will find on Lectin Free Wife.

Lectin Free Green Curry Paste
This Lectin Free Green Curry Paste is flavorful with a gentle heat, adding a nice level of spice to any dish.

Sugar Free Caramel Sauce
Sugar-free caramel sauce is a tasty, sweet treat. Use this as a dipping sauce, syrup on waffles, or a glaze on a cake.

Brie’s Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing
This Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing is low-sugar but it still tastes sweet and tangy. In minutes you can put this classic dressing together for any salad. The flavor of this recipe is similar to this store bought balsamic dressings that are loaded with sugar and preservatives.